Centergy Group provides Project, Program, and Portfolio Management to organizations supporting the successful delivery of complex and critical projects that have great risks and rewards, across many diverse industries. The application of project management and leadership guiding principals infused with true process driven management creates an effective environment that engages and encourages the project teams to strive to exceed expectations and achieve the desired outcome. Through the application of Centergy Group’s Reality Based Project Control Methodology we achieve an Active, Collaborative, Efficient, and Detailed team environment.
Centergy Group is applied internally to your organization’s project management efforts, always maintaining focus on your overall goal and organizational strategic mission. Additionally, Centergy Group is applied across your projects’ portfolio, focusing on the optimization of each phase of your project life cycle while sharing and applying lessons learned so we don’t have to make the same mistakes over and over.
Ways to Apply Centergy Group
• Reality Based Project Control – an Active, Collaborative, and Detailed approach to Project Management that drives cross-functional planning and optimizes Executive Reporting
• Master Project Schedule Development, Control, Facilitation, & Reporting
• Master Budget Development & Control
• Forensic Project Management / Expert Witness
• Project Management Process Training
• Professional Event Management Services
• Organizational Management